Arthritic Chaos

 I woke up and noticed 

my body had changed.

It’s not old age, well, 

maybe some I can blame

on Father Time.

I have a body, 

with bones and joints

that are not the same, 

as another who’s 

age resembles mine.

I fell into the gene pool

of arthritic chaos, 

and now I have joints

to which are not my own. 

Metal and rubber 

to clank around, until 

Father Time says

I’ve had enough time

here swimming daily, so

my body movements

flow ever so freely. 

Arthritis in a chaotic world

can sometimes be unbearable,

as my bones go grinding

together on dark, 

stormy nights. 
They simply don’t have

to remind me 

what I already know. 

I have arthritis but I

simply can’t let it define me. 
Sandie Heckman

  There is this season, this change all “good mothers” must endure, the season of change.
Our children, God’s little angels set to His heartbeat, that He sends down for us to nurture and grow until these “little angels” find their own little corners of their world, are taking flight everyday.

Our job is to love, cuddle, chase, secure, fix the boo-boos and endure countless days of Jeckle and Hydes with the “I love you’s and the I hate you’s” as they come into their own. Hormones and stress levels erupting as they turn from “littles” to “bigs”, in what seemed like a millisecond in time. 

Letting go and letting God are the two hardest phrases to repeat daily as our children grow. Everyday they walk out the door, they walk into different worlds that mold their little minds, and change them as they grow. Keeping Jesus in the mix of it all, and raising them to know with God in their hearts they are never alone, is the greatest accomplishment we as parents can master. 

The little rehearsals in life, the moments when they fly briefly on their own and dance to their own beat are enchanting to watch. Slowly, and swiftly they eventually fly, and as they take flight finding their way in the world. God has this unique way of giving us grace as we see our hardiwork evolve. 

Our littles become big and as they do, our world becomes more beautiful as the personalities grow into fine young women and men.

If we allow God to be the focal point of our children’s life, they grow and will eventually nurture children of their own, and the seeds we planted blossom into a beautiful garden.

Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it. 

Proverbs 22:6 NAS

Sandie Heckman

It takes 1 year, for our earth to orbit around the sun! How many trips have  you taken around the sun, trusting in the Son? 

Each year of orbit is a gift from God!

How will you spend this year orbiting around the Sun? Make the Son the center of every minute of your day. Trust the Son, His love is timeless! 

Sandie Heckman

  Lord, we are laying it all down to you. We picked up the broken, the sick, the heartsick and your club members, and we all boarded the bus to now. We get off all lined up in a row, your people, your children your beloveds! 

As we form a circle around you, we kneel one at a time, like a circle falling in time to angels singing and we pray. We praise 1000 times plus to you for the beauty, the safeness, the love, the blessings you’ve bestowed on all of us, and then we pray 1000 prayers plus for discernment and healing, for understanding and peace. We thank you father God, for loving us and we know you’ll bring us through.

Open our eyes Lord, to see, with You there can be heart healing, and when multiplied by your heart filled with love, it unleashes a wave that will wash over us all and set us free. We weren’t promised a thing in life, only that you would love us unconditionally and never leave us. 

As we stand here circled around you, your love radiates around and through us, and we feel your power as our world ceases to spin out of control, because you are in control.
Bless us and heal us father, each and everyone one of us connected to this circle, for we are all connected to you. Selah 

Sandie Heckman

Healing Moments

I put my foot in the snow, and I left an imprint on the earth! Some call me a “deep thinker”, I prefer to think I’m “deeply loved by the one above”! For although I don’t leave a path of footprints in the snow right now, my time is coming! For as I heal I’m set to do great things, for next year I’ll walk as far as He’ll lead me, because I will, because I shall. 

I’m good with one footstep now, for I know there will be thousands of my footsteps that will leave imprints on my world.

#He’shealingme #1000praiseseveryday

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
Sandie Heckman

Snowflakes and the Loss of a Young Man


I stepped outside for a minute, watching the snowflakes fall. They say no two are the same, and there must have been a million falling.
I got to thinking how snowflakes are similar to the people in and around our little world. No two are the same. Some will touch us, some will fall for us, and some will melt in front of us! 

Snow can be so pure, yet when it falls to the earth it can be transformed, quickly becoming dirty. It’s kind of like people, we are born innocent and then the world around us seeps in and can change who we are, often changing our true colors, if we allow others to change our thinking. 
The flakes were falling softly and as they did, the noise of the earth softened as well. The earth came to what seemed a standstill, and not a car could be heard in the distance.

How do you find peace and tranquility? What does it take for you to stop and just listen in silence? Sometimes I hear God’s whispers in the gentle falling snow. 
A snowflake landed on my jacket and I could see the intricate design of its crystal formation. Is this how we see others? Looking at the outside, never looking in? 
My friends son was laid to rest today. He made a choice and ended his life, and I find this hard to comprehend. Did others not see him hurting on the inside, or was he that good at looking well in his outer shell? Weeks will turn into months, and this young man will never find the glory in another sunset or sunrise, but his family will have to learn to live without his radiant face shining each day.
So many snowflakes falling from the sky, and I have to wonder, how many more of our children will have to fall from suicide in our world? Mental illness effects our entire nation, and the statistics are staggering. What are we missing? We’ll never know the answer to the why’s and how’s, but this young man will be missed for many years to come. 
As you tuck in your children, hug them hard and long. Spend time with them and share Jesus daily. If we teach our kids that they are not alone, maybe they will grow up less distraught, and more alive in Christ! 

We need Jesus more than ever, we need Him now!
Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 NAS
RIP Dylan 01-14-16

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Sandie Heckman

I Picked Up A Stray


I walked down the hall slowly, step by step. I watched her in front of me, and as she turned to look at me. I knew she was anticipating my next move. She waited, and turned into the room and jumped on the bed, and I was glad I picked up a stray seven years ago.
Chloe, or Clover (for luck), as we often call her, has been a blessing in disguise. As I heal from a total hip replacement, this furry, feline friend has never left my side. Do cats have healing powers? I believe they have the power to heal, and soothe the soul. 
Chloe was tossed to the streets seven years ago, on a cold winter night. I watched her daily, roaming the streets and sidewalk in my neighborhood. At the time, I already had a cat and dog, so taking in another animal was not in my dream package of the purrfect home. 
As two days turned into three, Chloe wandered the streets eating trash and hanging out on the porch where my neighbors had recently moved away. On a snowy evening after I returned from work, Chloe got up her nerve and introduced herself. As I was standing outside, this long haired, gray and white feline proceeded to wind around my legs, and within five minutes she wound around my heart. As her soft, tiny meow echoed through the dark evening, it all became crystal clear, my old neighbors had thrown this cat to the curb, as they loaded their belongings into their car.

How people can leave their pets behind is beyond me. When I take in an animal, it’s a lifetime commitment, and Chloe has become a part of my family. Chloe has been by my side for the past three weeks as I have laid in bed, some nights in agony and pain. She serenades me with an enchanting, calming purr that is quite loud for such a tiny creature. I often wonder how long she would have survived on those cold, wintry nights. I wonder too, how many litters of kittens she would have added to the cat population of feral, roaming, meowing creatures that lurked in the shadows at night.

Our animals are our family. When you adopt a pet, you make a life long commitment to this tiny creatures, to care for it, feed it and keep it from illness and harms way. I’ve noticed far too many animals that roam freely in my neighborhood, and I have to wonder how many do not have homes.
I understand that sometime a job change or even a move to another home, may require a family to make a gut wrenching decision to not bring the family pet along. It is our responsibility as pet owners to find appropriate housing or even surrender at a shelter, if the need be. My hope is all animals stay in their fur ever homes, but I do know some circumstances are beyond our control.

If you are seeking a new pet friend for your home, please make sure you are willing to make the life long commitment to a furry friend. Check with your local shelter to see if they have a pet compatible for your home. Adopt from a local shelter to help reduce the pet population in your area. Always spay or neuter your pet, as it is best for their health and well being. If you must surrender a pet, find a friend who is willing to take on the responsibility of pet ownership, or find a no- kill shelter to leave your beloved family member. On one last note, please do not toss your pet to the curb, they loved you unconditionally and deserve a second chance at love. 

Chloe is laying by my side as I type this story, and my hope she will continue to be my sidekick for many more years to come. I believe we healed each other’s hearts, and their aren’t a lot of friends out there that I can say that about. 

Sandie Heckman

  David Bowie died today R.I.P
Everyone on Facebook is posting photos, yet I’ve never heard them mention they like his music!

I don’t need reminders, 

I already know!

Jesus Christ died for me!

I want everyone to know – 

He lives on inside of me!

I want everyone to know,



Now that’s worthy of 

posting on Facebook! 

Which is more news worthy?

I prefer the latter of the two! 

Sandie Heckman