Littles Become Bigs

There is this space in time,the space between yesterday and tomorrow, where you wish and long for both!

The tomorrow, because today Is simply so hard.

Yesterday is the memories of our youth and passions, tossed aside to live inthe here and now!

Tiny feet pounding into you heart, as your littles become big,

and if you hesitate for a single moment, they are gone! Gone to there own lives, their own homes, their own destiny.Time has a way of stealing our hearts in the moment.

If you dwell on your past, or dare dream to the future, you will miss the here and now. 

So, remain here, and dare to dream,  but, dream alone – not while missing the moment, for thetimes of your life, you shall miss!

The hugs, the love, the messy Grace that’s right here, will get whisked away into yesterday, if you don’t stop longing for more of your future or your past. 

Our world is filled with wishers and dreamers whose passions can’t see their compassion for themselves is needed right here, In the here and now.

There is nothing better! 

Your hearts desires are right here, right now, because God put you here through His  intentions to calm your heart, let you remain still, and find joy right now! 

So, while you are wishing for your future, or dreaming of your past, your present state of mind is being sidetracked, and you are missing.

You’ll miss days gone by of tender sweet kisses, “I love you’s” and the stomping of tiny feet as they come into their own.

Cherished memories, like old family movies that you’ll never play a part in, if you don’t stop and watch them in real time.

Mouths to feed, toys to share and in a heart beat it will all be gone to the past.

Remember your promise, to raise them up in His likeness, to teach them right from wrong, to love unconditionally to the end of time, whether they are sweet or sour, exhausting  to the core. The time is now,  to love on them, and not worry about the future, for the future has an agenda all its own. Littles become Bigs and right here, right now, the moment is…

No worries, and love, because frankly my dear, the littles are watching, and relying on you to get them to where they need to be. The here and now for their future depends on you! Their future will come soon enough! So, when they smile love, When the stomp their feet hug, When they giggle, shrug and dance with them in the moment, so the movies in the future, shall show you playing the part of the loveliest of souls, who thought for a minute that you wanted more, but your more was right here in front of you all along, smiling up at you, longing for just your hugs, love and  being here, right now. 

(So that you may surely learn to sense what is vital and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value, and that you may be untainted and pure and unerring and blameless the day of Christ coming, not stumbling nor causing others to stumble. Philippians 1:10

Sandie Heckman